(a) Remove the refill plug and overflow plug.
(c) Reinstall the overflow plug. (d) Fill the transmission with the amount of fluid listed in the table below. Reference Capacity:
(e) Install the refill plug. HINT: If you cannot fill the listed amount of fluid, perform the following: (1) Start the engine and idle it. NOTICE: Check that electrical systems such as the air conditioning system, audio system and lighting system are off. (2) Move the shift lever through the entire gear range to circulate the fluid. (3) Wait for 30 seconds with the engine idling. (4) Stop the engine. (5) Remove the refill plug. (6) Fill the transmission with the remaining fluid until the amount in the table has been filled. (7) Install the refill plug. 3. FLUID TEMPERATURE CHECK NOTICE: The ATF temperature can be confirmed by using the Techstream. (a) Turn the ignition switch off. (b) Connect the Techstream to the DLC3. (c) Turn the ignition switch to ON. (d) Enter the following menus: Powertrain / ECT / Data List / A/T Oil Temperature 1. (e) Check the ATF temperature. NOTICE: If the ATF temperature is higher than 59°C (138°F), turn the ignition switch off and wait until the fluid temperature drops to between 53 and 59°C (127 and 138°F). 4. FLUID LEVEL CHECK NOTICE:
(a) When using the Techstream: Enter the following menus: Powertrain / ECT / Active Test / Connect the TC and TE1. Standard condition: Indicator lights in the combination meter blink.
(c) Start the engine and idle it. NOTICE: Check that electrical systems such as the air conditioning system, audio system and lighting system are off. (d) Slowly move the shift lever from P to S, and then change the gear from 1st to 5th. Then return the shift lever to P. HINT: Slowly move the shift lever to circulate the fluid through each part of the transmission.
(f) When using the Techstream: Return the shift lever to P and terminate the Active Test on the Techstream. (g) When not using the Techstream: Return the shift lever to P and disconnect SST from the DLC3. (h) Allow the engine to idle until the fluid temperature reaches 53 to 59°C (127 to 138°F). HINT: The indicator [D] will come on again when the fluid temperature reaches 53°C (127°F) and will blink if it is higher than 59°C (138°F). Indicator [D] Indication of ATF Temperature
(j) Wait until the overflow slows to a trickle. NOTICE: If the fluid does not overflow, perform the following: (1) Remove the refill plug and gasket. (2) Refill the transmission through the refill hole until fluid begins to trickle out of the overflow tube. (3) Wait until the overflow slows to a trickle. (4) Install a new gasket and the refill plug. Torque: 39 N·m {400 kgf·cm, 29 ft·lbf} (k) Install a new gasket and the overflow plug. Torque: 20 N·m {204 kgf·cm, 15 ft·lbf} 5. COMPLETE (a) Turn the ignition switch off. (b) When using the Techstream: Disconnect the Techstream from the DLC3. (c) Inspect for automatic transmission fluid leaks. 6. ATF THERMAL DEGRADATION ESTIMATE RESET HINT: Approximately 50% or more of the ATF has been replaced during a repair of the transmission or a similar operation (See page
Toyota Tundra Service Manual > Blind Spot Monitor System: Yaw Rate Sensor (C1A46)
DESCRIPTION The blind spot monitor sensor receives yaw rate signals from the yaw rate sensor via CAN communication. DTC No. DTC Detection Condition Trouble Area C1A46 A fail flag is transmitted from the yaw rate sensor Vehicle stability control system Blind spot monitor sensor LH Blind spot monitor ...