DTC CHECK / CLEAR HINT: Refer to the Techstream operator's manual for further details. 1. CHECK DTC (a) Connect the Techstream to the DLC3. (b) Turn the ignition switch ON. (c) Turn the Techstream on. (d) Enter the following menus: Body Electrical / Main Body / Trouble Codes. (e) Check for DTCs. 2. CLEAR DTC (a) Connect the Techstream to the DLC3. (b) Turn the ignition switch ON. (c) Turn the Techstream on. (d) Enter the following menus: Body Electrical / Main Body / Trouble Codes. (e) Clear the DTCs. |
Toyota Tundra Service Manual > Can Communication System: 4WD Control ECU Communication Stop Mode
DESCRIPTION Detection Item Symptom Trouble Area 4WD Control ECU Communication Stop Mode Any of the following conditions are met: Communication stop for "Four Wheel Drive Control" is indicated on the "Communication Bus Check" screen of the Techstream. Communication system DTCs (DTCs that start with U ...