DESCRIPTION These DTCs are stored if there is a malfunction in the CAN communication system connected to the blind spot monitor sensor. HINT: If CAN communication system DTCs are stored, they may also be stored for other systems.
CAUTION / NOTICE / HINT NOTICE: When checking for DTCs, make sure that the blind spot monitor system is turned on. PROCEDURE
(a) Clear the DTCs (See page ). (b) Recheck for DTCs and check if the same DTC is output again (See page ). Result
Toyota Tundra Service Manual > Dynamic Radar Cruise Control System: Road Test
ROAD TEST PROBLEM SYMPTOM CONFIRMATION HINT: The dynamic radar cruise control system has 2 cruise control modes: constant speed control mode and vehicle-to-vehicle distance control mode. Vehicle-to-vehicle distance control mode is selected by default when the dynamic radar cruise control system is t ...