PRECAUTION 1. REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION OF THE TIRE PRESSURE WARNING VALVE SUB-ASSEMBLY (a) When installing a tire, make sure that the tire pressure warning valve and transmitter does not interfere with the tire bead in order to prevent damage to the sensor. (b) After completing the installation, remove the valve core to rapidly release the air in the tire and check that the warning light comes on. If the warning light does not come on, the system may be defective. (c) If there is an air leakage, tighten the nut to a torque of 4.0 N*m (41 kgf*cm, 35 in.*lbf) and push the valve core 2 or 3 times to remove any dirt attached to the valve core. If air continues to leak, replace the grommet, washer and nut. Use a manufacturer-specified cap. (d) When installing the tire pressure warning valve and transmitter, check that the rim, grommet, washer and nut are clean. Use a manufacturer-specified cap. (e) When inflating the tire, first install the tire pressure valve straight onto the stem of the tire pressure warning valve and transmitter. 2. TIRE AND WHEEL REPLACEMENT OR TIRE ROTATION (a) If replacing a tire, be sure to check the grommet of the tire pressure warning valve and transmitter for damage. If the grommet is damaged, replace the grommet, washer, and nut. (b) If tires and wheels are replaced, register the transmitter ID (see page
Toyota Tundra Service Manual > Vehicle Stability Control System: How To Proceed With Troubleshooting
CAUTION / NOTICE / HINT HINT: *: Use the Techstream. PROCEDURE 1. VEHICLE BROUGHT TO WORKSHOP NEXT 2. CUSTOMER PROBLEM ANALYSIS (a) Interview the customer and confirm the problem. Click here NEXT 3. CHECK DTC AND FREEZE FRAME DATA* (a) Check and record DTCs and Freeze Frame Data. for DTC Check / Cle ...