OPERATION CHECK 1. INSPECT INDICATOR/WARNING LIGHT HINT: In this inspection, an indicator or warning light might come on differently than is specified, under some normal conditions. (a) Check the following indicators and warning lights.
2. INSPECT SPEEDOMETER (a) Connect the Techstream to the DLC3 connector. (b) Turn the ignition switch ON. (c) Turn the Techstream ON. (d) Enter the following menus: Powertrain / Engine and ECT / Data List. (e) According to the display on Techstream, read the Data List. Reference: for mph
NOTICE: Do not use worn, underinflated or overinflated tires, as the speedometer reading will be inaccurate. (f) Check the deflection width of the speedometer indicator. Reference: 0.5 km/h (0.3 mph) 3. INSPECT TACHOMETER (a) Connect a tune-up tachometer, and start the engine. (b) Compare the test results with the tachometer indicator. DC 13.5 V, at 25°C (77°F):
If the result is not as specified, the speedometer may have a malfunction. 4. INSPECT METER/GAUGE (a) Connect the Techstream to the DLC3. (b) Perform Active Test (See page ). OK: All meter/gauge needle indicators are normal. 5. INSPECT WARNING/INDICATOR LIGHT (a) Connect the Techstream to the DLC3. (b) Perform Active Test (See page ). OK: Each warning/indicator light turns ON and OFF using tester. 6. INSPECT MULTI-INFORMATION DISPLAY (a) Connect the Techstream to the DLC3. (b) Perform Active Test (See page ). HINT: If this Active Test is being performed and the ignition switch is turned off and then ON, the A/T and ODO/TRIP display background may turn white. If this occurs, end this Active Test and turn the ignition switch off. OK: All dots in the multi-information display turn ON and OFF using Techstream. |
Toyota Tundra Service Manual > Vehicle Stability Control System: Steering Angle Sensor Initialization Incomplete (C1439,C1445)
DESCRIPTION When the vehicle is being driven in a straight line at 12.8 km/h (8 mph) for 1 second or more, the skid control ECU (brake actuator assembly) calculates the steering angle sensor zero point and updates the zero point if the difference between the calculated zero point and current zero po ...